23 de enero de 2024

LET´S TALK, viernes 26 de enero a las 19:00 h. en Fondo Local

 Our topic for this Friday is “Procrastination.” Are you a procrastinator? I think I am the “queen of procrastination.” I look forward to hearing about your experiences, ideas, and any tips or strategies you have on how to avoid procrastination.

Carmina and Nora forwarded a link to an excellent Ted Talk on procrastination. If you have time, please look. It is interesting and explores what happens in the brain to trigger procrastination. It also gives some strategies you can use to avoid procrastination. Here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWTNMzK9vG4. Thank you, ladies, for your ideas and input on our future topics.

That's all for now.
Have a good week and see you Friday,

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