25 de abril de 2022

LET'S TALK, jueves 28 de abril a las 12:30 ó a las 16:30 h. Fondo Local



abajo encuentra el texto en inglés para el jueves 28 de abril. Contiene enlace.



Let’s talk about living with nature. Whether it be wolves, ants, cockroaches or marauding big cats we have a tendency to eliminate before considering ways of cohabiting on the planet. In general we still don’t understand how everything is interlinked to hold some sort of balance, so why do we assassinate everything we don’t like instead of finding ways to live together? How do you think farmers can live with wolves rather than calling for them to be hunted? Do you have any way of living alongside wasps or other annoying forms of wildlife? 

Here’s a video of an innovative way of living with lions, perhaps we can learn something… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RAoo--SeUIk

Come along to your public library on Thursdays at 12.30 or 16.30 for a fun chat in English. For more details please ask at the information desk.

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