28 de febrero de 2024

LET`S TALK, jueves 29 de febrero a las 12:30 h. en Seminario ó a las 16:30 h. en Fondo Local

 Let’s talk about scientists! The serious nature of scientific study is being challenged by flat earthers, the war on woke, climate denialists and fake news while artificial intelligence is capable of inventing studies of years worth of investigation in half an hour. However, the dedication of the physicists, chemists and biologists behind the investigative publications that provide new medical cures, create ever more deadly weapons or inform us of the hazards of industrialisation is evident.
Do we still perceive scientists as deranged looking Einsteins or have we moved on?

Come along to your public library for a fun discussion in English on Thursdays at 12.30 or 16.30. For further details please ask at the information desk.

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