1 de diciembre de 2016

LET'S TALK, jueves 1 de diciembre a las 16.30 h. o viernes 2 de diciembre a las 19.30 h., Seminario

Whatever your opinion of Fidel Castro of Cuba, his death marks the loss of a leading historical figure who left an indelible mark on our collective memory. Is the passing of Fidel Castro the end of an era? Some say it is the sign of the definitive end of the 20th century. Is his passing a nail in the coffin of a particular ideology? What future do you envisage for Cuba?

Come along to your public library for a fun chat on Thursday at 4.30pm or Friday at 7.30pm. Everyone welcome, (native English speakers free of charge) please ask at the information desk for further details.

Please note that there will be no sessions on 8th and 9th of December.

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