9 de mayo de 2024

LET´S TALK, viernes 10 de mayo a las 19:00 h. en Fondo Local


Our next topic for the Friday English conversation group is “Moms and Dads.” Please come prepared with a story you would like to share about your Mom or your Dad. As you know, Mother’s Day in Spain was Sunday and it will be Mother’s Day in the U.S. next Sunday. Perhaps you have a special memory and/or moment about your relationship with your Mom and/or Dad, or maybe you had a challenging relationship that you have reconciled. You can share positive, negative, humorous, and/or scary memories, or talk about the role your parents have played in your life. The topic is wide open and it will be fun to hear everyone’s stories.

 Lastly, there are several Ted Talks on the influences mothers and fathers have. I have included three from women from three different countries with perspectives that I found very interesting. Check them out if you have time this week to listen.  I have included the links below.

 Ted Talks:

 How moms shape the world, https://www.ted.com/talks/anna_malaika_tubbs_how_moms_shape_the_world?language=en

 We need to change the conversation about fathers


 The Perfect Mother Needs To Go


 Have a good week and I'll see you on Friday,



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