17 de enero de 2022

LET'S TALK, viernes 21 de enero a las 19:00 h. 4ª planta


HI all! 

This week let's talk about all things 'unusual'. More specifically, bring along an article from a newspaper (or from any source really), that seems - well - a little strange. For instance, last week I mentioned the statue of the football star Ronaldo in Goa, India. Why is there a statue of him in Goa when India more generally does not have a strong football tradition? Crazy hey!

So, get your reading glasses on and start to scan headlines in the paper, magazines or in the internet and look for articles that are amusing, unexpected or simply just weird. Bring it along to the group and let's hear about it! And remember - nothing is 'off limits'. It can range from the serious to the hilarious. See you all on Friday. 

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